Monday, June 1, 2009

Can Shane Mosley Beat Manny Pacquiao At 142-Pounds?

by James Slater 
Eastside Boxing

The big news yesterday, as surely most fans are aware now, was the statement made by Shane Mosley regarding his acceptance of a catch-weight fight with Manny Pacquiao. "Sugar" said he was willing to meet "Pac-Man" at a catch-weight, and that he "knows this is what Freddy Roach (Manny's trainer, of course) wants." We now have to wait to find out two things: will the bout take place on October 17th (the date pencilled in for Pacquiao's next fight), and just how low will Mosley agree to drop down to so as to make the bout a go?

Read full article here.

Manny "Pacman" Pacquiao on Record

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